The following advice is free. Anything else you pay for!
Updated September 2016 with a link to John the Math Guy
While we try to be fair and accurate, some of these reviews may be incomplete or flawed and may be removed or edited at any time. If you disagree or think something's missing, feel free to contact us, but we don't guarantee a response.
All product names are the copyright © or trade mark™ of their respective owners.
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Color e-stores
Color analysis software
Other useful stuff
The one-stop shop for all your color management needs.
A wide range of color management tools and e-profiling services.
Alwan ColorPursuit
Alwan ColorPursuit is the best software we know of for assessing the quality of ICC profiles, devices and workflows. Pick a color or an image with ColorPursuit and see numerically and visually how well it is rendered. Essential for anyone serious about profile quality.
CHROMiX ColorThink Pro
If you don't already own Steve Upton's brilliant ColorThink Pro profile visualization and repair software, buy it IMMEDIATELY. Don't argue, just buy it. Then put on some Floyd and take a trip through color-space.
To see the world's first mind-altering RGB color space, download MaRGBta and display it rotating in 3-D. Disable the "Tone using L*" option and reduce the dot size a little. (Lemon and Lime supported - you supply the salt.)
Back to topReal-World Color Management
Bruce Fraser, Chris Murphy, Fred Bunting
Peachpit Press
An essential resource for anyone trying to implement a color-managed workflow. Packed with good explanations and advice (most of which we agree with), this is the one book to buy if you can't afford any others.
Back to topUnderstanding Color ManagementDr. Abhay Sharma
Thompson / Delmar Learning
Covers the theory of color management with clear explanations on everything related to ICC profiling, as well as some interesting product comparisons.
The GATF Practical Guide to Color Management
Richard M. Adams, Joshua B. Weisberg
GATF Press
The first book ever published on ICC-based color management. Now in a new edition (2008).
Measuring Color R.W.G. Hunt
Fountain Press
If you want to understand the theories behind color vision, color spaces and color measurement, this book is excellent, but be warned, it's all science and math, NOT practical color management.
How to Measure Color
A nice, concise explanation of the basics of color measurement from BYK Gardner -- a company not so well known in the graphic arts, but well respected in scientific and industrial color measurement.
Bruce Lindbloom
A valuable source of spreadsheets, formulae, and other information on color-related topics. Bruce is a well-respected color scientist and author of several profiling software packages, including the old Candela suite.
John the Math Guy
John Seymour writes an essential (and humorous) blog filled with lucid explanations about color management, measuring color, offset printing and lots of other cool stuff. He also happens to be a math genius and - oh by the way - much funnier than I.
Colorblindness - Eye Resources and Information
Many thanks to Brendan for this great link